About us: One-Design Sailing (monotype) Racing on identical boats is the ultimate challenge. Our yachts are identical down to the last detail. Regatta and Event Organisation Customised events for each client. Adriatic Challenge regattas organized on one-design fleets are something every sailing enthusiast should experience.Adriatic Challenge offers complete and professional event management services. Have fun sailing on identical yachts! Sailing Yacht Charter There is no better way to experience the natural wonders of the Adriatic sea than from the deck of one of our yachts. Charter Management Avoid the burden of heavy expenses from being the yacht owner. Our charter program reduces the boat ow
About us: Our company "SERAPHILUS marine charter" originally from Zagreb, the Croatian capital, is renting motor boats and yachts from a few strategically placed bases in Dalmatia on the Adriatic coast. Central database Tribunj in central Dalmatia, near the tourist resort Vodice. Additional bases in northern Dalmatia Zadar and Split in southern Dalmatia enable us to cover the most developed part of the Croatian Adriatic coast and thus provide our guests a complete experience of nautical tourism in Croatia.
About us: Sol navis d.o.o. Split je tvrtka specijalizirana za prodaju i servis plovila. Ovlašteni smo zastupnici Blumar yachts (HR, BIH, MNG, SRB) te Salona jedrilica i Maestral gumenjaka. Ugovorni smo brodopopravljači za renomirana osiguranja te posjedujemo certifikate HRB za obavljanje konstrukcijskih popravaka na plovilima, a ovlašteni smo REX i BOAT CARE partneri kao i nositelji YIC SEA ASSIST-a. Naš stručni tim će u najkraćem roku izvršiti intervenciju na moru, tegalj, procjenu štete i vrijednosti plovila kao i izvršiti sve popravke na plovilu ( trup, interijer, mehanika, elektrika......) Nudimo mogućnost godišnjeg održavanja i transfera plovila. Obavljamo usluge registracije jahti, pripreme doku
About us: Salona performance cruisers have been built since 2002, following the spirit of yachtsmen looking for reliable, well-built sailing boats that would match the racing performance of the best cruiser racers on the market, while providing comfortable cruising abilities. For everyone who loves sailing, performance is the key. Whether cruising or racing, good performance makes a difference. It is no coincidence, therefore, that one of the most recognized characteristics of Salona yachts is their amazing performance. Salona Charter is the official charter fleet of the Salona shipyard so if you want to buy a Salona yacht or you simply wish to sail and spend a week on one of our beauties, then chart
About us: Tvrtka SCAM MARINE je osnovana 1989. god. kao radionica za izradu hidrauličnih kormilarskih uređaja i popravak brodskih motora. 1990. razvija se cijelokupna gama hidrauličnih kormilarskih uređaja, 1991. razvija se cijela grupa mariniziranih motora na bazi motora KUBOTA (Japan), 1995. tvrtka je dobila licencu za prodaju IVECO brodskih i industrijskih motora, 1999. certificirani smo od strane TUV-a za proizvodnju INOX prirubnica, 2002. dobivamo certifikat HRB za popravak diesel motora, 2003. obnavlja se serijska proizvodnja SCAM DIESEL motora baza KUBOTA, 2004. tvrtka je dobila zastupstvo brodskih motora MITSHUBISHI, 2005. tvrtka je dobila zastupstvo TWIN DISC kopči, 2008 tvrtka je cert
About us: Who is Feral-Tours? We are a group of people with experience in tourism acquired over the years in many different fields. We have a rich knowledge in receptive tourism and the chartering business as well as in guided tours. Our core business is offering different vacation solutions and taking the best care of our clients. So far our efforts have proven us right; our clients enjoy their stay in Croatia and they feel comfortable and carefree with a service we provide. And more important yet, they come back. What do Feral-Tours do? We offer our clients a wide range of boats for their chartering holidays; we offer different accommodation possibilities; we seek a best fitting solution for your
About us: Dragi posjetioci, dozovlite da Vam predstavimo fantastičan način kako ćete upoznati sve prednosti Republike Hrvatske! Turistička agencija Anastasia d.o.o. je mala agencija koja pruža vrhunske usluge svojim klijentima. Osnovani smo 2006. godine i sjedište nam je u gradu Šibeniku, središtu Dalmacije. Zahvaljujući tom položaju naše usluge se prostiru i na područjima Splitske kao i Zadarske županije. Nalazimo se 60 km udaljeni od aerodroma Split kao i aerodroma Zadar. Lepeza naših usluga je raznolika jer se sve nalazi u krugu od maksimalno sat vremena vožnje! Osnovne djelatnosti turističke agencije Anastasia d.o.o. su: organizacija smještaja, transfera, eskurzija, izleta, izleta po mjeri, team b
About us: A dream, a vision, determination and love for boats and sailing. We started with that 12 years ago with two small sailing boats and we still have that vision and passion now, when we take care of 5000 guests each year that give us their confidence to organise a dream sailing for them on one of 42 boats that we have in our offer. WITH US You will get excellently maintained yachts that one of our 8 service persons take care of. You will get high quality, since we have only brands that are known in the world for quality of hull and equipment like Salona, Jeanneau, Beneteau, Lagoon… You will get security, since in 12 years on market we became one of the strongest charter companies on Adriatic,
About us: ail your holiday away with Angelina Tours sailing charter, located in beautiful Biograd in Croatia. If you've ever wanted to sail on a Croatia sailing charter through the Adriatic Sea, Angelina YachtCharter can make your dream come true. Angelina Tours is an Croatian adriatic charter based in the charming coastal town of Biograd, Croatia.
Poštovani korisnici, portal Yachts in Croatia Vas s veseljem
28.07.2016Novo u ponudi za sezonu 2016. U dolasku 6 novih gumenjaka od 5,70m do 7,80m. Mogućnost dnevnog najama, tjednog ili usluge transfera i izleta...
01.04.2016To all our dear friends, partners, colleagues and readers We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy new 2016 !!!Yo